Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Krakow, Poland

We left Warsaw catching the rickety, slow train to Krakow in southern Poland. Our hostel was right in town so it made easy access for most of the sights. The next day, however, was not one of sight-seeing. It was off to do something semi-'normal' for a change - shop for a camera! Not something one expects or budgets for on a year-long trip! And certainly, Eastern Europe is not the best - cheapest place to buy one! But we needed to - there's only so many times a camera can bounce and mine had seen it's fair share, so much so that it finally faded away! Don't worry, it had had a good life, lots of adventures, seen a lot of things, places etc. The new one, which we had diligently shopped for and researched, was reasonably priced, with a two and a half inch screen. Fantastic! All our criteria were fulfilled bar one: Martin was disappointed that it didn't bark when you press the shutter. You can't everything! *Mush

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