Friday, July 22, 2005

Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Osweicim, Poland

Originally uploaded by Martin Callum.
Today was a day trip to Auschwitz. Not a day we were looking forward to, but we felt necessary on our journey.
It was a very sombering day to say the least. We had a very good guide around both the Auschwitz Camp and the larger Birkenau, about 3 km away. It must be hard for her to experience this day in and day out, and you could tell from her mannerisms and emotions.
I'm not keen to write too much about the atrocities that were undertaken here. There were many details that we were told, and were appalled to hear. Over 1.5 millions Jews, Polish, gypsies, etc were exterminated at this camp alone, in many different inhumane ways - quite astonishing. We wonder how anyone could think this is the 'right' thing to do.
Again, it was an informative, but very somber day. *Stub

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