Thursday, August 04, 2005


Baths in Budapest
Originally uploaded by Martin Callum.
Our last couple of days in Hungary were spent doing a day trip to a couple of towns near what is known as the Danube Bend - very picturesque inspite of the rain.

A must-do in Budapest is a trip to one of its many ancient Roman Baths. The Szechenyi Furdo baths pictured here, were fantastic with many indoor pools of lots of different temperatures. The architecture was phenomenal inside, until we discovered the ancient courtyard outside with three huge swimming pools, the warmest of which was 38 degrees C. Wonderful and definitely refreshing! Even on a miserable day all the pensioners of the city hang out here mostly playing chess.

Another highlight of our stay was a couple of nights at a Kert - essentially a warehouse with indoor and outdoor bars. Even though we were tired from our days, they were hip and funky even when the rain started leaking in! * Mush

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