Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Sun's not Down on Swaziland Yet!!

Once we left Mlilwane, we were somehow drawn back to Sundowner's Backpackers.  Our tastebuds were salivating, and the friendly warm welcome back we would receive, was something we looked forward to.  It is something you miss when you are traveling, a place that makes you feel at home!!  So, we planned a quick overnight stop back there, whilst we had some business to take care of, namely getting a Mozambique visa in the capital city of Mbabane.
Our Camp site at Sundowners

We had originally planned to head south into South Africa, but so many people told us how much they loved Mozambique in the South, we decided we were too close to not go.  We took the combi-van up to Mbabane, and searched out the Mozambique High Commission, and were pretty surprised to find out how easy the visa process turned out to be.  After applying, we had to go to town to deposit the money in their account at the bank, then return at 2PM to pick it up.  Piece of cake, and we were stunned to see it all work out.  A side note, Mbabane was a relatively mediocre town, with the usual hustle and bustle of a medium sized African city.
Group at Sundowners including Sergio and Paula in centre
After our first delicious meal back, we decided to stay another day and help Sergio and Paula out with a little work at their place.  Martin spent the full day helping sand and prep an exterior wall for painting, so at least we could give something back to them!

Of course, we were then treated to another delicious braai (bbq) meal, and the promise of another the next day.  So that meant we were sticking around one more day, because neither of us could resist the offer of ROAST TURKEY on Father's Day!!
We did manage to get out a little while at Sundowner's.  One night, we joined a Swiss girl named Dominique to go to the House on Fire.  A very funky, artsy bar/performance centre that reminded me of Gaudi style architecture and bizarre art from Barcelona area.  It was a great venue for a concert and we watched a local Swazi singer/band called
A Night out at House on Fire
Nancy Ginindza and the Human Family.  Great show, and a good view from our perch above right of the stage!  We also visited another strange but successful Swazi place - Swazi Candles - where they make all kinds of interesting candles shaped like African animals in all kinds of colours and patterns.  Very cool actually.  We probably would have bought something if we weren't afraid of it melting.  We did buy a nice Batik from one of the vendors out front, and we have taken to decorating our rooms with it along the way!!

The morning before the turkey, we joined Dutch Mark, and American Alan, on a quick drive around Swaziland.  It is a tiny country, where I think you can drive from one side to the other in about 3 hours.  We saw some interesting sights like the Magugo dam, and a walk to the interesting, community run Tsangwini Rock Art.  The rock art is approximately 4000 years old, and still well preserved.
Animal shapes at Swazi Candles
It is apparently the only rock art in Africa depicting humans with wings - very interesting.
Mark drove back quickly as we were late for turkey, and when we arrived we feasted on soooooooo much food!!  It was fabulous, and with 3 desserts also.  As it was Father's Day, Paula and Sergio's families were there for the feast!  It was a nice day, and she even invited our friends Rachael and Allana from the orphanage!!   So very generous!!   *Stub

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