Monday, June 11, 2012

Out of Africa

Here, as I sit on the eve of our return to England and reflect upon Africa - what we've experienced, how we've felt, people we've met and the complexities and challenges of independent travel, I can honestly say we have thoroughly and absolutely enjoyed this mighty continent. I would not say that we absolutely LOVE Africa. We've met many people who feel their heart and soul are in Africa, but we don't feel that intensity. There are some countries that have stood out for sure - Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Burundi, for example. And I can see why people fall in love with Africa - the wide open spaces, fantastic landscapes, big skies, diverse cultures, amazing wildlife. I love the weathered faces of the people with their varied cultures, colourful traditions, 'logic', thinking and attitudes - and how challenging all at the same time! Just thinking about how people live too: in anything from mud huts and woven grass to huge concrete mansions surrounded by barbed wire and electric fences. There may not always be electricity and water (and certainly not hot water), but many live by firelight, the stars and the moon.

So, yes, as I look back, as much as we are tired and SO ready to be 'home', we will come back one day. Indeed, Ethiopia, about which we have yet to share our adventures, has been a great note to end on. It holds too much magic and mystery for us not to come back! But right now I'm looking forward to leaving dusty, brown landscapes (though transformed in raining season) and trading it in for the green, soggy land of my birth, England. British soil: Bring It On Baby! * Mush

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