Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wild Winds and Floods in Mtunzini, South Africa

Breakfast with Thora and Ken in Imfolozi
A few months ago, we had a fleeting meeting with a gentleman named Ken in Kruger Park whilst washing clothes and dishes.  Ken had sailed extensively around the world in different locations, with his wife Thora.  He generously invited us to come and stay with them in Mtunzini, and was probably a little surprised when we actually showed up!!!  Ken and Thora were very hospitable, and for us they supplied us with such treats as:
- a bed (and in our own room)
- hot showers
- a roof over our head
- a kitchen with usable crockery and pots/pans

Seriously though, we were very lucky on the timing, as we had been camping for many days before Mtunzini, and the day we arrived, so did the storms.  We were so happy to be not sleeping in our tents when the torrential rain and 80 km/h winds hit for 2-3 days.  The winds blew down many trees around the town and the river flooded it's banks.  The weather didn't allow us to go out much, but we enjoyed Ken and Thora's company, whilst looking at their sailing photos from across the globe.  Oh yeah, we drank lots of wine and liquers (Thora makes her own)!!!

The spooked rhino 10 ft beside the car

Back in Kruger, Ken suggested taking us to Imfolozi National Park for some more Big 5 opportunities.  The weather finally cooperated and we spent a nice day in the park.  A highlights was rounding a corner a seeing a huge rhino only 10 feet from the road beside the car, and then having him charge off into the bush and luckily not towards the car!!  We did see some good wildlife including an elephant, more rhinos, zebras, giraffes and more, but no big cats like we were hoping.  Two delicious meals in the park at different camps, and then an adventurous drive home via some backroads completed a great day out exploring with them.  Thanks Ken and Thora for your hospitality and keeping us out of the rain!!!   *Stub
A bee eater coming in for landing

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