Saturday, November 06, 2010

Good times with my old best friend, Colorado Springs

One of my best friends from secondary school was Michele Moore. When we were 14 we would spend our summers playing non-stop tennis and badminton, have bazillions of sleepovers and drove our parents nuts. Michele now lives in Colorado Springs and it was brilliant to see her, and to see that she hasn't changed! Excellent to see Dylan, her son - my Godson - a pleasant young man of 15 now! (OMG how time flies!) It was 8 years ago when I last saw him and I'm really glad I got to see him again.
One evening with Michele, hubby-to-be John, and their friends Kim and Brian, we went to the local comedy club, then found ourselves pole-dancing on Michele's pole at home and had some great laughs ...and a bad head the next day! * Mush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwhhh - We got a mention in your blog! Im so chuffed!! Where are the rest of the pole pics??? I want to see Martin on it!!!! Dont pretend it never happened!