Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Tomlinsons in the Carolinas

We didn't give our friends the Tomlinson's much notice of timing for our visit, but of course, we were welcomed with open arms into their 'new' home Fort Mill South Carolina (even though they've been here for 3 years). Fantastic to see them and great to hear that they are enjoying their 'new' vocations - marketing for John with Western Star and horticulture for Trish. The weekend was relaxed  with plain old catching up with their lives, eating Trish's delicious gourmet cuisine, getting a private tour of the Botanical Gardens where Trish works, and a great-value nine holes of golf at Tega Kaye Golf Course. Because we move pretty much from campground on to campground every day, we rarely have time to 'clean house' so we spent a highly  constructive morning clearing out the tent and camping gear, overhauling the 'kitchen' and doing and laundry. John, never one to sit around twiddling his thumbs, pulled out the shop-vac and promptly valeted the inside of the car from head to toe! Star! We reluctantly left two days later, but what a feeling of rejuvenation - from the gourmet pampering to the spring clean of our home on wheels! You rock Trish and John! * Mush

1 comment:

Abdul said...

When I'm not working, I'm hanging out with some friends. I guess it's one of the best perks of being single. It's a wonderful time just sitting around, joking, or just having a cup of coffee with your best mates. Your friends' house looks great with so much green around. I am looking forward to seeing more cool posts on your blog. Take care!

Abdul Jackson