Friday, June 30, 2006

Minglava! ---Hello!--- Myanmar

Hey everyone,
Just got back from 3 days in Macau - an ex-Portuguese colony, now part of southern China. Nice small city made up of 3 islands all connected by huge fancy highway-type bridges. Pretty amazing. Big chinese influence there and not much Portuguese apart from the odd church and restaurant.
In about 3 hours we will be on our way to Myanmar - what used to be called Burma. It's surrounded by Thailand to the East and India/China to the north. Apparently, the people there are lovely (although their government isn't!). We will be there for 3 weeks and fly back to Bangkok on Friday 21st July. During that time we will be incommunicado as internet access is pretty sparse apparently so don't expect to hear from us in that time..
We just hope that we will be able to watch the World Cup somehow... It's England vs Portugal next which is a tough one for me being Portuguese and English all at the same time.. who to support? .... Both!
Come on England! .... Come on Portugal!

Michelle and Martin

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