(Formerly Mush and Stub's World Tour) - Travel tips, advice and adventure stories from our World Travels since 2001. Over 65 countries and counting. Click on the links at each entry to see more photos in Flickr.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Xmas on our Beach 2007
After Xmas it was off for some skiing at Revelstoke Resort to stay with friends and to ski the highest vertical descent in North America. There was some good snow and big runs, but Martin was disappointed with missing some excellent snow conditions at Big White, our local mountain in Kelowna. Oh well, can't have it all* Mush
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Halloween 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Camping again at Sugar Lake
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Campfire Music at Konkle Lake, BC
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Shock! I have to work now!
Monday, July 23, 2007
CSI Kelowna!
One of my other regular shifts at the Cancer Agency is working in ACU - the Ambulatory Care Unit - basically where patients come and visit their oncologists before, during and after their chemo treatment. I essentially act as a middleman between the patient and the doctor/nurse (whomever they are seeing). So I keep all the rooms tidy and ready for patients, I greet them, weigh them, show them to their consult room and then inform the doctor they have arrived. I enjoy it because it is challenging and keeps my organisational skills in shape - I have to juggle the logistics of 5 or 6 doctors all seeing their patients every 20 minutes. It's also quite different to what I used to do ... seeing cancer from a different perspective: I've gone from the intellectual challenge of trying to find a cure for cancer - to seeing patients get their treatment - the results of hard work (and blood, sweat and tears) of scientists, like myself! * Mush
Saturday, July 14, 2007
It's Alive!!!
So, it is now back on the road again. It needs plenty of TLC now as it is dirty and has a few more holes (rust) than it did 4 years ago. Still a tank though, and reliable.
After the truck, I managed to make it to another housewarming party. Keith and Amy from Site360 had the group from work over to show off their new place. Great times, good food and a special appearance from Tracey's 6 week old Great Dane (very cute) made for a great night and a late night - arrived home at 3AM!! *Stub
Back on the Water
Our first weekend Regatta was in Summerland - about an hour south of Kelowna. By boat under motor-sail, however, it's 4-5 hours. We sailed in convoy with a few other boats to get there. We hit big waves and hailstorms, followed by hot temperatures and gorgeous sunny skies - perfect for cooling off in the water, and of course, obligatory water fights with the other boats. On arrival at Summerland Yacht Club, there were free Pina Coladas, and the delivery crews had more than their fair share of yummy cocktails. Giants Head Regatta, as it is known, was to start the next day so we had to pace ourselves. Needless to say, some were more successful than others!

Onboard our boat 'Celerity' was (left to right) Greg, whom we borrowed from a local Summerland boat, Skipper and owner Peter, Narissa, Leah, and Kristen. The long distance race around Rattle Snake Island was relaxed and enjoyable. The shorter races on Sunday were a little more intense and eventful, including shackles snapping open and sails flapping, capped off with running aground! Despite this we carried on racing and were surprised when we placed third overall!!! So it turned out to be a successful regatta after all! * Mush
Friday, July 13, 2007
Our Place
The two main windows that you see are our living room (right) and dining area (left). The window towards the back far right, is our bedroom. Our dining room also has french doors (which you can't see here) around the left hand side. They open out onto a great view of the lake over the neighbours low single-story house. In fact, you can see the lake and hills between the cedars and the main house here. As you will have seen already from previous blogs, we have been enjoying the beach when the landlord is away. As you can guess, we're really enjoying our place and the great view, but more than anything, just having a place of our own at loooong laaaaast! *Mush
Monday, June 25, 2007
Getting Back Into Okanagan Life
I've also managed to get out mountain biking, camping, playing beach volleyball, while Michelle got back into sailing and racing on a crew. I've even managed to get out on the sailboat for a night on the water. We've been to many BBQ's and managed to catch up with lots of my old friends, whilst making some new ones through sailing and work!!! *Stub
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Cowboys and Indians at the Cottons
So, of course, there had to be a housewarming party. The theme was cowboys and Indians. Some great costumes with the whole Cotton family coming as Indian (one East Indian - Al). I managed to sort through the tickle trunk and come up with this one.
Next to me is Kevin Holmes who actually had a pickle plate as his belt buckle - creative. We even had a Brokeback Mountain cowboy, as Spenny graced us with his presence.
A good night for all, and especially Dana who managed to see the sun come up whilst finishing some drinks with the last 2 remaining guests!! *Stub
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Camping Trip - Sugar Lake, BC
Some managed to get out on little fishing trips, but unfortunately, Don had caught all the fish in the lake apparently - at least so he claims!
Don also had 2 Quads and was looking for a partner to accompany him on a ride. So, I thought I would help him out. We took off and gained a lot of altitude (4000 ft) on the little logging roads and trails. These things really fly too, as I had mine up to 90km/h on the trails and apparently was up on two wheels often while cornering!! Some great views along the way, but then the rains came. Heavy big drops that turned into hail. It was tough riding as it felt like little rocks being thrown at you at high speed. We suffered through the pain though and had a great ride. *Stub
Sunday, June 10, 2007
24 Hour Relay with Site360, Kelowna
After only 2 weeks at work, we joined the group to do the Easter Seals 24 Hour Relay. It was a great way to meet the new colleagues outside of work and overall was a good time. Our team won Best Spirit, 2nd most fundraising and Most Laps/Distance run over the 24 hours. We also managed to party it up at night, with some of us staying in tents on the side of the track. All good fun, but the next day was a bit of a write-off!! *Stub
Monday, May 28, 2007
Things Happened Fast - Job, Home, Furniture, Car, etc
We managed to get my Oregon car imported, passed inspection and insured on the Thurs (May 24th). Also that day, I rented a trailer and drove my Dad's truck down to Portland. Of course, many of you know of my border troubles, so I was quite nervous trying to get into the US finally. All went well (only 1 hour at the border this time), and I was on my way to Portland. I stayed at Tom and MJ's, where we enjoyed a nice dinner, and then started packing up the big things into the trailer. I finished off packing some more things the next morning, then made a trip into my old work (Freightliner) and was able to meet up with a lot of old friends, although briefly.
From here, it was on to the Tomlinsons, where I loaded up all the other boxes and things from in their crawl space to fill the trailer. Trish had prepared a great dinner and had some more friends over for me to catch up with. A great time.
The next morning (Sat), I was driving back to Kelowna. I didn't arrive back until midnight after more stress at the border! But all was good. We had all of our things back in Canada.
Sunday, we moved in to our new apartment (see photo for our beach). More on the place later, but it is a beautiful 1 bedroom carriage house on the waterfront. Of course, moving and unpacking took all day (and the next few), but we had our own place finally after 2 years.
And then Monday, I started work!!!! Like I said, a busy 5 days, but everything really came together fast!!! *Stub
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Picnic on Kitsilano Beach with J-Lo and Emma, Vancouver
Michelle and I managed a quick few days in Vancouver to show them around a little. We stayed down in Kitsilano with Lisa again. We enjoyed some beers on patios, kite flying on the beach and picnics down on the waterfront. Both Rob and Emma really enjoyed their time in Whistler and Vancouver, and are quite excited about the prospect of moving to Canadia. * Stub
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Raakel's Pit on Final Ski Weekend at Big White
As usual, nothing but sunny skies and HOT weather for the final weekend at Big White. The skiing was spring skiing at it's best, with some slushy corn snow. It didn't stop the boys from getting a little crazy on the Cliff though.
We managed to stay up at the hill with Rob Nagy and Michelle. Partying the Friday down at Happy Valley, watching Paul Cotton win the film competition again for his new short called The B Squad.
Much of the weekend went like this - chilling out with friends in the Pit. The whole gang was there, so a good way to finish up my first season back at Big White - and Michelle's first. *Stub
Huge Back Flip by Spenny
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
A Week In Vancouver
I was not the only one to have a rough week - Martin was working 16 hour days doing labour work for a friend laying concrete and epoxy floorings. I don't know who had the worst week between us: him or me! * Mush
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The Six-Pack Together Again, Fernie, BC
It was great to get the group together again and have all the significant others (although we missed Cathy) with us, along with the kids Abby Irwin, Rhianna and newborn Callum Singh.
And what a week for skiing. Big dumps of snow and a magical powder day. Of course, there were no friends on a powder day and we all just charged, skiing with whoever could keep up. A small group of us had a dream run, as we arrived at the top of the lift just as the ski patrol was dropping the rope to an entire bowl full of unbelievable, untouched snow (25cm+). The elbows were flying as the rope dropped and it was a gong show of speed and lack of control!! * Stub
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Surrounded by Visa Applications, Kelowna BC
Well, if I thought gathering documents and filling the ambiguous forms for the extension application was challenging, it was nothing compared to the Common-law Permanent Resident application! To prove Common-law for a normal couple is relatively easy - you have a house together, you have bills, bank accounts, credit cards, blah, blah, blah. I said 'normal'! Well, as you know... we're not! How do you prove Common-law when you've been traveling in 15 different countries for the good part of the last two years?! No houses, no rent, no mortgage, no bills, no statements. Just tons of stamps in our passports and 20,000 pictures to show for it! With so many photos and emails to sift through it was a tough task. If it hadn't been for the generosity (... and printers/scanners/photocopiers!) of friends Nicole and Don, I don't know what we would have done! To boot, medicals, fingerprints, and police checks needed to be done. Not to mention the forms themselves which for me -- not being normal -- were a nightmare! Here's an example:
"Print the information requested for each address you have had in the last 10 years. You must put down every address no matter how short a period of time you stayed there. Forms will be returned if there is any period of time which you have not shown an address."
Can you imagine compiling a list of your own addresses for the last 10 years - no matter how short a period of time you stayed there? Then imagine not having a fixed address, on the move every 2-3 days and 'staying' in as many countries and places as we have!! Well, an impossible task - we have no idea of the address of most places we stayed in! So all in all, compiling the application was right up there next to writing research grant applications and my PhD thesis! In fact, by the time I was finished, the whole thing looked like a thesis! It was very very painful. Imagine my sigh of relief when we FINALLY got it sent off in the post! Phheeeewww! * Mush
Monday, January 29, 2007
Scoping Out a Line at Big White, BC
All in all, we spent 6 weeks on the hill, every so often coming down into Kelowna for supplies and to see people. We also had friends from Portland come up and visit - it was great to have visitors, and to finally have a place that felt like our own for the very first time in just so long. It was also a very social time for us as many friends from Kelowna came up to visit and ski. We became good friends with the upstairs neighbours, Trina and Jeff, as they were up usually 3 nights per weekend. The skiing was great, and all in all, the 2 months were quite cheap! * Mush